Benetech Inc. announces the release of Pre-eclampsia Screening in Benetech PRA™

August 07th, 2023

Toronto, Canada. (August 07, 2023) Benetech Inc. is a software development company that creates and markets tools for use in prenatal screening. Its flagship product, Benetech PRA™ is used by hundreds of leading hospitals and labs around the world to screen millions of pregnancies each year.

Benetech is pleased to announce today the release of PRE-ECLAMPSIA SCREENING capabilities in PRA.

Pre-eclampsia is a life-threatening hypertensive disorder that can occur during pregnancy, affecting both the pregnant person and the fetus. Globally, it is estimated to impact 2-8% of pregnancies, albeit certain regions may see an even higher prevalence of the condition1. Knowing the signs and symptoms of pre-eclampsia can save lives. One study found approximately 60% of deaths attributed to pre-eclampsia were preventable2. Having effective screening for pre-eclampsia can aid prenatal care, ensuring patients at higher risk are treated and monitored throughout their pregnancy to reduce adverse outcomes.

Several pre-eclampsia screening algorithms have been developed, utilizing maternal factors and biomarkers. Benetech PRA will allow pre-eclampsia screening using various system programmed algorithms. This will allow users flexibility in defining pre-eclampsia panels, similar to how other conditions, such as Down syndrome, are screened for in PRA.

“We’re proud to see Benetech PRA’s screening options expand with the introduction of pre-eclampsia screening. As pre-eclampsia is a serious condition in pregnancy, patients and providers alike can benefit from screening to improve pregnancy outcomes.” said Les Hansen, President of Benetech Inc., “This expansion continues our commitment to maintain and develop quality clinical software solutions for our clients.”

Note, pre-eclampsia screening is not a default option in PRA, please contact Benetech for details.

Customers interested in upgrading their PRA version to include Pre-eclampsia screening can contact the company at for assistance.



Les Hansen


Benetech Inc.

1 800 253 8611

About Benetech Inc.

Located in Toronto Canada, Benetech was founded in 1987 and has been privately owned and operated ever since. Benetech PRA is used by some of the leading hospitals and labs in the world and is considered a gold standard for prenatal screening. The quality systems of Benetech Inc. have been registered by UL LLC. to ISO 13485:2016. More information on Benetech Inc. and its products can be found at or by contacting

By |August 7th, 2023|Categories: News, PRA, Screening|0 Comments